Option Explicit '############################################################ '## ファイル一覧作成処理 2008/02/19 '## (サブフォルダも処理する) '############################################################ '### '### 実行情報定義(デバッグ情報) '### true ならデバッグモード '### ログにデバッグ情報が出力されます '### 削除はおこなわれません '### 起動パラメータ/debug:でデバッグ指定をおこないます Public CNS_DEBUG CNS_DEBUG = False 'パラメータでも指定可能 '### '### Const CNS_LOGDIR = ".\" Const CNS_LOGFILE = "FILEList.log" '############################################################ '### プログラム '############################################################ Dim m_oFs Dim m_INCNT, m_MATCHCNT Dim m_SubFlg Dim m_SizeFlg Dim m_DateFlg ' '主処理の実行( 検索対象パス 対象拡張子 間隔 経過月数 ) ' '起動パラメータのチェック Dim strDir, strSub, strDebug, strDate, strSize strDir = Wscript.Arguments.Named("DIR") strDate = Wscript.Arguments.Named("DATE") strSize = Wscript.Arguments.Named("SIZE") strSub = Wscript.Arguments.Named("SUB") strDebug = Wscript.Arguments.Named("DEBUG") If Ucase(Trim(strDebug)) = "ON" Then CNS_DEBUG = True End if If strDir = "" Then Wscript.Echo "Dir Error" Wscript.Quit End if m_SubFlg = True If Ucase(Trim(strSub)) = "OFF" Then m_SubFlg = False End if m_DateFlg = True If Ucase(Trim(strDate)) = "OFF" Then m_DateFlg = False End if m_SizeFlg = True If Ucase(Trim(strSize)) = "OFF" Then m_SizeFlg = False End if ' ' '処理実行 Call Main(strDir ) ' ' ' '############################################################ '========================================================== '主処理 '引数:対象ディレクトリ '========================================================== function MAIN( DIRNAME ) Dim OFLD Dim inCnt Dim outCnt Dim dtComp Dim lngLevel set m_oFs = createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") SET OFLD = M_OFS.GETFOLDER(DIRNAME) CALL LOGWRITE("----start " & NOW ) if CNS_DEBUG = true then CALL LOGWRITE("--Debug=On") Else CALL LOGWRITE("--Debug=Off") end if CALL LOGWRITE("--SubDir=" & m_SubFlg ) m_INCNT = 0 m_MATCHCNT = 0 lngLevel = 1 CALL ReMain( OFLD, DIRNAME, lngLevel) CALL LOGWRITE("--InCnt=" & m_INCNT ) CALL LOGWRITE("--MatchCnt=" & m_MATCHCNT ) CALL LOGWRITE("----end " & NOW ) set m_oFs = Nothing end function ' '========================================================== 'フォルダは再帰処理でファイル検索 '引数:検索フォルダ、 '========================================================== function ReMain(oFolders, dirname, lngLevel) dim oFile dim oSubFolder Dim sw1 '---------------------------------------- 'ファイル名を列挙し、処理を行なう。 '---------------------------------------- sw1 = 0 for each oFile in oFolders.files m_INCNT = m_INCNT + 1 sw1 = sw1 + 1 m_MATCHCNT = m_MATCHCNT + 1 Call ProcFile(oFile) next '---------------------------------------- 'サブフォルダーは再帰呼び出しおこなう '---------------------------------------- if m_SubFlg = True Then for each oSubFolder in oFolders.subfolders lngLevel = lngLevel + 1 Call ReMain(oSubFolder,addsep(dirname) & oSubFolder.name, lngLevel) lngLevel = lngLevel - 1 next End If end function ' '========================================================== '見つかったファイルはここの記述で処理される。 '引数:Fileオブジェクト '========================================================== sub ProcFile(objFile) 'ログファイル出力 Dim strWk Dim strWk1 strWk1 = left(objFile.Path, len(objFile.Path) - len(objFile.Name) ) strWk = "" strWk = strWk & UCASE( objFile.Name ) If m_SizeFlg <> False Then strWk = strWk & vbTab strWk = strWk & objFile.Size End If IF m_DateFlg <> False Then strWk = strWk & vbTab strWk = strWk & objFile.Datelastmodified End If strWk = strWk & vbTab strWk = strWk & UCASE( strWk1 ) Call LogWrite( strWk ) end sub ' '========================================================== '拡張子の取得 '引数: '========================================================== function GetExtention(strFname) dim Cnt Cnt = ubound(Split(strFname, ".")) if Cnt => 1 then ' . でスプリットした最後の要素が拡張子 GetExtention = Split(strFname, ".")(Cnt) else '.が無い場合は拡張子なし GetExtention = "" end if end function ' '========================================================== 'パスセパレータの追加 '========================================================== function addsep(dirname) if right(dirname,1) <> "\" then addsep = dirname & "\" end if end function ' '========================================================== 'ログファイルの出力 '========================================================== sub LogWrite( MSG ) dim OOUTF dim strFname On Error Resume Next strFname = CNS_LOGDIR & GetSysDate() & CNS_LOGFILE SET OOUTF = M_OFS.OpenTextFile(strFname ,8,true) OOUTF.WRITELINE( Now & vbTab & MSG ) OOUTF.close end sub ' '========================================================== 'デバッグログファイルの出力(CNS_DEBUG<>0のときのみ出力 '========================================================== sub DebugLogWrite( MSG ) dim OOUTF dim strFname If CNS_DEBUG = False then Exit Sub End if Call LogWrite( "<Debug>" & vbTab & MSG ) end sub ' Function GetSysDate() GetSysDate = GetDateFormat( Now() ) End Function ' Function GetDateFormat( dtDate ) Dim strWk strWk = Year( dtDate ) strWk = strWk & Right("00" & Month( dtDate ),2) strWk = strWk & Right("00" & Day( dtDate ),2) GetDateFormat = strWk End Function ' '====================================================================== 'Read a profile from .ini file '====================================================================== Private Function GetProfile(strSection, strKey, varDefault, strPathIni) GetProfile = varDefault ' Initialize by default Dim fso : Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Dim f : Set f = fso.OpenTextFile(strPathIni) Dim strLine Dim fSectionFound Dim strKeyFound fSectionFound = False Do While f.AtEndOfStream <> True strLine = Trim(f.ReadLine) If (strLine <> "") And (Left(strLine, 1) <> ";") Then ' Skip Blank/Comment Line ' When Key was found If fSectionFound = True Then If strKey = Left(strLine, InStr(strLine, "=") - 1) Then GetProfile = Mid(strLine, InStr(strLine, "=") + 1) f.Close() Set fso = Nothing Exit Function ' Success End If End If ' Control inside target section or not. If (Left(strLine, 1) = "[") And (Right(strLine, 1) = "]") Then If strLine = ("[" + strSection + "]") Then fSectionFound = True Else fSectionFound = False End If End If End If Loop f.Close() Set fso = Nothing End Function
vbsサンプル.txt · 最終更新: 2019/06/30 12:22 by